Lexical and Grammar Test              Olympiad 2022                              Form 8


I Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).              Points 22

1 He hates …… (answer) the phone, and very often just lets it …. (ring).                            

2 I prefer …. (drive) to …. (be driven).

3 I advise you …. (start) …. (look) for a flat at once.

4 I suggest …. (telephone) the hospitals before …. (ask) the police …. (look) for him.

5 I’m tired …… (explain) to her but she refused ……. (listen) and continue ………. (cry).

6 Try …. (forget) it; it isn’t worth …. (worry) about.

7 It is usually easier …. (learn) a subject by … (read) books than by …. (listen) to lectures.

8 It’s not much use…… (have) a bicycle if you don’t know how … (ride) it.

9 You need … (be) brave … (speak) in public.

10 What do you have … (do) when you are on duty?

II Read the passage and write the appropriate form of each verb in brackets.      Points 9

What do you know about dolphins? The relations between dolphins and human beings         1…………………long ………………… (surprise) people. These   relations   2………………………….. (last) for thousands of years. Pictures of dolphins 3……………………… (use) to decorate the coins of ancient Greeks. Sailors consider the presence of dolphins near ships 4 ……………………………  (be) good luck. Now dolphins 5 …………………………………… (train) and they take part in the performances that both children and grown-ups like. If you 6………………….. (spend) your holiday on the Black Sea coast you 7……………………… (see) dolphins playing near the shore. They 8……………….. (come) early in the morning and before sunset. No one  9………………………. ever ………………….. (see) a dolphin attack a human being.


III Use an article if necessary.                                                                              

 Points 23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Personal computers have changed 1….. nature of  2 …… family life in Britain, dominating   3……   conversations and challenging 4….. television as  5….  most popular form of 6….. entertainment, according to 7 …. report published today. 8…… report reveals how 9…. family members fight to surf 10….. Internet and how computers have become more popular   as 11 …. conversation topic than 12 ….. relationships, 13…….. hobbies and football. With one in 14 ……. four households owning 15 ….. computer – more than those with 16 …. satellite television or 17 ….. mobile phone-18 …… home computer has replaced 19……. dog as ‘man’s best friend’. People spend far more time on 20 ……. their computer than on other domestic activities and it is not only 21 ….. young: 22…… over-60s are more addicted to 23….. computers than anyone.

IV Fill in prepositions   where necessary.   

  Points 9                                                                                                              

1 My parents encourage me …… my studies.

2 The headmaster is respected ….. students and parents …… their wisdom.

3 I searched …. the Web … the information about this problem.

4 Many schools need better facilities to carry out experiments … Physics and Chemistry.

5 Harry Porter is really good … this game.

6 …… the preparation, porridge should be stirred only in a clockwise direction.

7 We arrived … London early in the morning.


V Circle   the right variant of phrasal verbs.                                       Points 5                                                                        

1 My granny asked us to look … her cat while she was away. (for, after, forward, to)

2 Selma hates looking words …. in the dictionary. (down on, up, for)

3 I’m trying to cut….. on sweets. (for, down, out, up)

4 I will not take …. any more of your time. ( at, out, up, down)

5 He turned ….. an excellent actor. ( down, out, at, into)


VI   Write down idioms to their definitions.                                                          Points 10                                                                        

1 Very calm and relaxed, especially in a different situation.


2 To have many skills and interest and take part in many activities.


3 Completely different


4 Very easy to do.


5 Similar or almost the same.


6 Waste money.


7 Spend less money than before.


8 Reduce your expenses.


9 Be very expensive.


10 Not have enough money.





VII Open the brackets and use the words given in capitals to form a word that fits in the   gap.                                                                                                                 Points 9

An Incredible   Vegetable

Garlic is (1) ........ (COMMON) used in cooking all around the world. China is currently the largest (2) ........ (PRODUCT) of garlic, which is particularly associated with the dishes of northern Africa and southern Europe. It is native to central Asia and has long had a history as a health-giving food, used both to prevent and cure (3) ......... (ILL) In ancient Egypt, workers building the pyramids were given garlic to keep them strong, while Olympic athletes in Greece ate it to increase their resistance to infection. The forefather of antibiotic medicine, Louis Pasteur, claimed garlic was as (4) ........ (EFFECT) as penicillin in treating infections. Modern-day (5) ........ (SCIENCE) have proved that garlic can indeed kill bacteria and even some viruses, so it can be very useful for people who have coughs and colds. In (6) ........ (ADD), some doctors believe that garlic can reduce blood (7) ........ (PRESS) The only (8) ........ (ADVANTAGE) to this truly amazing food is that the strong and rather (9) ........ (SPICE) smell of garlic is not the most pleasant!