четверг, 16 февраля 2023 г.

 Additional task

Write a letter to your foreign friend about a festival you have attended.

Follow the plan and use the example.

Write about 100 words

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Greetings, opening remarks.
Introduction. General information about the festival. What is its name? When and where is it held? What does it celebrate?
Paragraph 1. Your festival experience. What did you  do/see there?
Paragraph 2. The most impressive part of the celebration. What impressed you most of all? Why? Describe the occasion in detail.
Conclusion. Feelings and comments. How did you / other people feel? Would you recommend this festival?  Why?
• Closing remarks.

 !!! Note. Use present tenses to write about something that  happens every year or continues for some time and past 1 tenses to describe your actual experiences at the event. Use adjectives to make the description more interesting.